Schumann Resonances: The Earth's Heartbeat

the earth's natural brainwave

The Schumann Resonances are a set of frequencies that are generated by the Earth's magnetic field and the ionosphere.

Named after German physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, who first predicted their existence in 1952, these frequencies are considered to be the Earth's heartbeat and are present in the atmosphere at all times. The resonant frequencies change daily, with a fluctuation of around +/- 0.5 Hertz.

The history of Schumann Resonances can be traced back to the 1950s, when Schumann first predicted their existence and began conducting experiments to verify his findings.

In the following decades, the existence of these frequencies was confirmed and their significance in the Earth's electromagnetic environment was recognized.

Enhancing the Benefits of Schumann Resonances with Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are an auditory illusion that occurs when two different frequencies are played into each ear, creating a third, perceived frequency in the brain. This illusion can be used to enhance the effects of Schumann Resonances, allowing individuals to access the benefits of these frequencies in a more effective and efficient manner.

Frequency List

7.8 Hz - Theta: This frequency is associated with grounding and is believed to have a connection to nature energy.

14 Hz - Alpha: This frequency is associated with intelligence and is believed to have a positive impact on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) relief, focus, and memory.

20 Hz - Beta: This frequency is associated with awareness and is believed to have a positive impact on a range of health conditions, including cancer and other diseases, as well as a cure-all for the Rife machine.

26 Hz - Beta: This frequency has yet to be fully understood, but is believed to have a potential impact on various aspects of health and wellness.

33 Hz - Christ Consciousness: This frequency is associated with spiritual growth and a heightened sense of consciousness. It is believed to bring an individual closer to their higher self and a state of Christ consciousness, characterized by love, compassion, and unity.

39 Hz - This frequency has not been well-studied or documented in relation to its impact on the brain. Further research is needed to determine its potential effects.

45 Hz - Like 39 Hz, there is limited information available on the effects of this frequency on the brain. More research is needed to understand its potential impact on health and wellness.


It is important to note that while the benefits of Schumann Resonances and binaural beats are widely discussed, more research is needed to fully understand their potential impact.

Additionally, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting to use these frequencies for any specific health concerns.


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