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  • The Importance of Energy Training in Parapsychology

The Importance of Energy Training in Parapsychology

an intro to para-psychology

As spiritual beings, we are all made up of energy. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions are all forms of energy that we emit into the world around us. This energy can have a profound impact on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

According to parapsychology, our energy is like a muscle that needs to be trained in order for us to achieve optimal health and happiness. When our energy is balanced and flowing freely, we are able to manifest our deepest desires and connect with the divine. When our energy is blocked or stagnant, however, we can experience physical and emotional pain, as well as spiritual disconnection.

There are many different elements that make up our energy, each with its own unique spiritual meaning and significance. By understanding and working with each of these elements, we can learn to train and balance our energy, allowing us to live a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

Fire represents our passion, creativity, and drive. It is the energy that fuels our dreams and helps us to manifest our desires. When we are in touch with our inner fire, we are filled with inspiration and motivation. When our fire is blocked or diminished, we can feel uninspired, unmotivated, and lacking in direction.

Water represents our emotions and intuition. It is the energy that connects us to our deepest feelings and desires. When our water energy is flowing freely, we are able to connect with our inner wisdom and make decisions that are in alignment with our true self. When our water energy is blocked or stagnant, we can experience emotional turmoil and confusion.

Earth represents our grounding and stability. It is the energy that helps us to connect with the physical world and our own bodies. When our earth energy is balanced, we are able to feel grounded, secure, and at peace. When our earth energy is blocked or unbalanced, we can experience physical pain, anxiety, and a disconnection from our physical reality.

Air represents our intellect and communication. It is the energy that helps us to think, understand, and communicate with others. When our air energy is balanced, we are able to think clearly, communicate effectively, and understand the world around us. When our air energy is blocked or unbalanced, we can experience confusion, communication difficulties, and a disconnection from our own thoughts and ideas.

Finally, the element of Spirit represents our connection to the divine and our own inner wisdom. It is the energy that helps us to tap into our innermost truth and understand our true purpose. When our spirit energy is balanced and flowing freely, we are able to connect with the divine and live a life of purpose and meaning.

In conclusion, training our energy is an important aspect of spiritual growth and development. By working with each of the elements and learning to balance our energy, we can tap into our inner wisdom, connect with the divine, and live a life of peace, joy, and fulfillment.

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