Ankh Ritual

beginner ankh ritual

Here is a comprehensive guide to performing an Egyptian ankh ritual:


1. Sacred Space: Choose a quiet and clean area where you will not be disturbed. This space should be purified with incense, such as frankincense or myrrh, to create a sacred atmosphere.

2. Altar Setup: Arrange an altar with the following items:

- An ankh symbol, preferably made of a natural material like wood or metal.

- A small mirror, possibly in the shape of an ankh, dedicated to Hathor.

- Candles, representing the light of Ra.

- A bowl of water, symbolizing the primordial waters of Nun.

- Offerings such as bread, wine, or flowers.

3. Personal Preparation: Cleanse yourself physically and mentally. A ritual bath with essential oils like lotus or blue lily can help attune your energy.

The Ritual

1. Invocation: Begin by invoking the deities associated with the ankh, such as Hathor, Ra, and Osiris. You might say:

- "I call upon Hathor, the Eye of Ra, the goddess of love and joy. Bless this ritual with your presence."

- "I call upon Ra, the Sun God, bringer of life and light. Illuminate this sacred space."

- "I call upon Osiris, the lord of the afterlife. Guide us through the mysteries of life and death."

2. Drawing the Ankh: Using a consecrated tool, draw the ankh symbol in the air or on a piece of parchment. Visualize its power and life-giving energy.

3. Anointing: Anoint the ankh symbol and your third eye (forehead) with a drop of sacred oil, such as lotus oil. This represents the opening of your spiritual vision.

4. Chanting and Meditation: Chant a sacred mantra or hymn dedicated to the ankh. You might use:

- "Ankh, Udja, Seneb" (Life, Prosperity, Health)

- "Sa Sekhem Sahu" (Protection, Power, Spiritual Body)

Meditate on the ankh symbol, visualizing its energy flowing through you, connecting you to the divine.

5. Scrying: Use the mirror dedicated to Hathor to scry into the future. Gaze into the mirror, allowing your mind to enter a trance state. Seek visions or messages from the divine.

6. Vibration Transfer: If you have a vibration rod (ankh-shaped), place it against the back of your neck. This is believed to transfer divine vibrations and enhance your spiritual connection.

Closing the Ritual

1. Offerings: Present your offerings to the deities, thanking them for their presence and blessings.

2. Grounding: Ground yourself by eating a small piece of bread and drinking some water or wine. This helps to bring your energy back to the physical plane.

3. Closing Invocation: Thank the deities and close the ritual space. You might say:

- "Thank you, Hathor, Ra, and Osiris, for your guidance and blessings. May your light continue to shine upon us."

Rare Insights

- Magic Squares and Sigils: In some rituals, practitioners would draw magic squares and sigils on their palms to induce visions. This practice can be incorporated into your ankh ritual to enhance its potency.


- Cord with Seven Knots: The use of a cord with seven knots, each representing a different aspect of life, can be a powerful addition to your ritual. Each knot can symbolize a different aspect of existence such as health, prosperity, love, wisdom, protection, spiritual growth, and divine connection. As you tie each knot, focus on the corresponding aspect and imbue it with your intention.

- Blue Lily: The ancient Egyptians often used the Blue Lily in their rituals for its psychoactive properties. Including a Blue Lily essence or incense can help elevate your consciousness and deepen your connection to the divine.

- The Ankh as a Mirror: The ankh symbol itself can be used as a mirror to reflect on your inner self. By meditating on the ankh, you can gain insights into your own life and spiritual journey. This practice can be particularly powerful when combined with the use of a physical mirror in the shape of an ankh.

- Anthropomorphic Ankh: Visualize the ankh as an anthropomorphic figure, with the loop representing the head, the arms as the horizontal bar, and the vertical line as the body. This can help you connect more deeply with the symbol and its life-giving energy.

- Celestial Diagrams: Incorporate celestial diagrams into your ritual space. These diagrams, often found in Egyptian tombs, represent the cosmos and the divine order. They can help align your ritual with the greater cosmic forces.

- Hathor and Sekhmet: Invoke both Hathor and Sekhmet, as they are known as the Eyes of Ra. Their dual nature—Hathor as the nurturing mother and Sekhmet as the fierce protector—can provide a balanced and powerful energy to your ritual.

- The Ankh and the Four Winds: Consider the ankh's connection to the four winds, which are seen as bringers of rain and fertility. Acknowledge these elemental forces during your ritual to enhance its grounding and life-affirming aspects.

By integrating these rare insights into your Egyptian ankh ritual, you can create a deeply transformative and spiritually enriching experience.

Remember, the power of the ritual lies not just in the symbols and actions, but in the intention and energy you bring to it. May your journey with the ankh be filled with profound revelations and divine blessings.


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